The people
behind Balderton

Equal partners.
Expert team.
Global experience.

Our Partners are the founders, investors and board members of some of Europe’s biggest tech companies. We take a team-oriented approach to building breakthrough companies. And with our equal partnership model, entrepreneurs get the benefit of a team of experts in addition to a community of founders.

Our portfolio services team offers expertise across talent, marketing, finance, legal and ESG — actively supporting portfolio companies as they grow and scale.

Our Executives in Residence (EIR) are leaders in the global tech industry, who draw upon their significant knowledge, and network, on behalf of Balderton and the people we partner with.

Shikha Ahluwalia Principal
Greta Anderson Principal
Jen Andre Senior Communications Manager
Lindsey Armstrong Legal Counsel
Fiona Blakemore CFO & Head of Portfolio Finance Services
Danny Bloom Head of Legal
Solène Brébant Associate
Rachel Bremer Chief Marketing and Communications Officer
Elodie Broad Head of Impact & SFG
Tim Bunting Senior Advisor
Chantal Cantle Head of People
Suranga Chandratillake Partner
Ed Cubitt Portfolio Finance Manager
Alasdair Dickson Investor Relations Manager
Colin Hanna Partner
Lena Hinkelmann Associate
Cayetana Hurtado-Malidin Chief of Staff
Dave Kellogg Executive in Residence
Marie Le Chevalier Investor Reporting Manager
Jacob Lehmkühler Associate
Bernard Liautaud Managing Partner
Bryce McCullagh Legal Counsel
Laura McGinnis Principal
Thor Mitchell Executive in Residence
Rob Moffat Partner
Zoe Mohl Principal
Elena Moneta Principal
Melissa Negretti Senior Marketing Manager
Maeve O’Hare Legal Counsel
India Phillips Communications Manager
Keshvi Radia Head of Product
Adrian Rainey Operating Partner
Carlotta Riganti Principal
Andrea Roda Principal
Claudia Rowe Principal
Helen Shepherd Financial Controller
Sivesh Sukumar Associate
Leah Sutton Chief Portfolio Talent Officer
Dan Teodosiu Executive in Residence
Daniel Waterhouse Partner
Andrew Wigfall Executive in Residence
Tobias Winczer Associate
James Wise Partner
Rana Yared Partner

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